DLM - Collecting Our Data

We always collect only Free-Range, Ethical Data

Automated World Wide Data Collection built on Ethics

Data Lake Masters is not a company built on the premise of "striking it rich", but rather on the principals and ethics that make the pursuit an honorable one. We only collect data from forward facing sources, respecting the source and their systems. We always prioritize Structured data sources first, minimizing the need for other time consuming collection methods.

Our In-House Data Collection Software Phases

Built for automating data collection by establishing steps and rules for the collecting, refining, storage, recall, and delivery of data. This software operates and feeds our entire Data Lake, mitigating error in human intervention and streamlining data updating and delivery.
Built in C# and VB.Net by Tyler Rouse (A Founder of DLM)

Data Collection

Collects Data and prepares
it for Refinement

This phase establishes steps and procedures for the collecting of data from any structured public source. After the initial creation of the Data Flow, the collection is fully automated including scheduling of data updating.

This phase takes the longest of the 4.

Data QA and Upload

Refines Data & Uploads
it to the Data Lake

This phase receives the data collected in the previous phase and refines the data based on a set of automated refinment rules. Once completed, it uploads the data to the Data Lake, updating existing records and inserting new records as needed.

This phase is the most complex of the 4.

Data Recall

Discovers Data & Exports
it from the Data Lake

Based on the Data Lake configuration, this relates data selected to any Primary data point of a Data Perspective (usually industry data, competing company data, etc.) and facilitates the building of a completed Data Perspective.

This phase the the easiest of the 4.

Data Delivery

Delivers Data on a Schedule
Automatically, On Time

Using the data from the previous phase, this phase prepares and delivers the data to the Partner on a scheduled basis, after data lake data updating has all occured. This enables our Partners to continue with their mission on time.

This phase is the fastest of the 4.