DLM - Data As A Service

Become a Data Mastermind with World-Wide Data Access

What exactly is Data As A Service?

Data As A Service is the production and delivery of routine Data Products (Structured Data), which is used within a Data Visualization Tool (like Power BI, Excel), often to compare distant data. From the Clients perspective, it gives the ability to compare outlying factors and see the impact on their business such as shipping delays/pricing, community/societal trend data, or even competing company data. With this data alongside yours, it can enable more informed decisions in reducing costs and fine tuning areas to increase revenue.
As Data is constantly updating and accruing as time continues, Data As A Service is simply a subscription to a specific Data Perspective, where the pricing is set by "Update Interval" for that data product. The Update Interval Price is more expensive the shorter the interval (Daily is more expensive than Weekly, which is more expenseive than Monthly, etc.). All Data Perspectives come complete with a Data Scoring and Viability Report specific to each column of data.

1. Define Your Data Perspective

A Data Perspective is a dataset that consists of 1 Primary and 2 Secondary data focus areas. The Primary data focus is the primary focus of the data (like a Noun in vocabulary), such as a select industries Company Data, Shipping Delays Data, and specific Product Data. Secondary Data Focus Areas are supplemental to the Primary, showing relevant data Per Primary. The Data Perspective as a whole should provide relevant insight to your Company, its performance, and Revenue/Expense Impact Areas.

Check Out Our Data Lake!

Ask Yourself, "What Data Can Best Show My Impact Points?"

2. Select Your Update Interval

The dynamic nature of Data in Time requires a consistent updating of data to remain relevant, as we are often comparing Current to Historical Data. Update Intervals can provide Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Annualy recurring data updates, based on what data is being captured and the dynamic importance of its fluctuations. Product Data as an example may be measured in Daily or Monthly fluctuations based on the Clients needs. One-Time Data is also available!

View Update Interval Pricing

Ask Yourself, "How Granular Does This Data Need To be?"

3. Select Data Delivery Method

In the world of competing software, devices, and data storage, we provide many different methods of Data Delivery to best suit your needs. We even provide Custom Software Solutions to quickly upload/update your DLM data so it is quickly and readily prepared for your data tools. Typically, we deliver this through a Unique URL Link for Download in Excel (.xlsx), CSV, or provide our Auto-Downloader tool (free tool, Windows Only) which provides SQL UPDATE + INSERT support. If you utilize a storage that we currently do not support, or if you believe a custom tool could make it easier, Let Us Know!

Ask Yourself, "What is the Easiest Way to Add This To My Data Tools/Storage?"